Bamboo Spa Hand and Foot Treatments

Manicure (without polish) 45 minutes RO. 7.00
Manicure (with polish) 45 minutes RO. 8.00
Pedicure (without polish) 45 minutes RO. 8.00
Pedicure (with polish) 45 minutes RO. 9.00
French Manicure 60 minutes RO. 11.00
French Pedicure 60 minutes RO. 12.00
Manicure with Vinylux polish - 45 minutes RO. 10.00
Pedicure with Vinylux polish 45 minutesRO. 11.00
Change Polish RO. 2.00
Change Polish w/Vinylux RO. 3.00
Change Polish French RO. 4.00
Change Polish w/ Cut and file RO. 4.00
Cut and File RO. 2.00
Change Polish French with cut &file RO. 6.00
Shellac Polish RO. 8.00
Shellac French RO. 10.00
Shellac Top Coat only RO. 3.00
Spa Manicure w/o Polish RO. 10.00
Spa Pedicure w/o Polish RO. 12.00
Spa Manicure with Polish RO. 12.00
Spa Pedicure with Polish RO. 13.00
Spa French Manicure RO. 15.00
Spa French Pedicure RO. 16.00